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Sunday, November 8, 2009


Dell sent us a Dell XPS One for review last week and asked us to hold off publishing the review until it releases its first all-in-one PC next Monday. Then--surprise!--Dell gets a little trigger-happy and (Estimated ship date isn't until November 27.) Rich Brown is writing feverishly; look for our full review later today. 

What can we tell you now? The design of the thing doesn't look all that different from Dell's LCDs, with a black screen bezel and angular base. It's available in four preconfigured models, but one size fits all--your only screen option is a 20-inch wide screen. Pricing for the four models ranges from $1,499 to $2,399, and surprisingly for Dell systems, you're not given anything in the way of customization options other than adding a printer, software, or other accessories to your order. Common to all four machines are the following: 2GB of RAM, a hybrid analog/digital TV tuner, Vista Home Premium, Adobe Elements, 802.11a/b/g/n Wi-Fi, and Bluetooth. The two lower-end models feature the Core 2 Duo E4500 CPU, and the two higher-end models feature the Core 2 Duo E6550 while also upgrading the integrated graphics to a 256MB ATI Radeon HD 2400 Pro card. The highest-end model also trades in the DVD burner for a Blu-ray burner. Hard drive capacities range from 250GB to 500GB.

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